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Beginning to End Fest day 2

March 9, 2019 11:30 am - 4:00 am


FREEEEEE… we will do our best to have a few BBQs going during the day so bring something to grill if you want… nothing like snacks and music!

doors at 11:30

noon – Saint Cecilia will serenade us over coffee and donuts. Sweetness and light served with a hot splash of wake-up!!!!

12:45 – Soft SailorsGeoff Geis and crew bring their new musical project to the stage/floor of HR to help kick the second day in the butt, softly. Sail away with them.

1:30 – Daniel Brummel and Emily Lacy – the heavens open up, the soil sings… mechanical birds flitter and tweet… this is vocal folk for the yoga age… restful and swelling at the same time.

2:30 – Derek Monypeny – back in the day, this band came from Oakland called Oaxacan. They raged in such a mind-bending way that was unforgettable… Luckily the guitarist Derek came back and has played at HR both as a solo oudist (?) and with his newer collective ALTO! so it was a no brainer to have him join us again.

3:00 – Sahba Sizdahkhani – you will remember this name once you see this gentleman play his Persian santour.

4:00 – the Gift Machine – friends from San Diego up for a visit to our lovely city, bringing with them beautifully crafted songs of happy sadness.

5:00 – SheKhanKathleen Kim and Kelly Coats effortlessly combine instrumental virtuosity with knob twiddling craziness. Like Don Cherry for the techno age.

6:00 – Timonium – i am sorry, what year is it? well hold onto your pilows cuz Timonium is taking over HR for an hour, rocking like a granny on a porch. Dreamy shoe gaze the likes of which hasn’t walked this earth for 15 years.

7:15 – Voice on Tape – i like to heckle this guy, but it is only because i am so jealous of his songwriting craft, effortless guitar playing and super romantic voice.

and then there was JAZZ

8:00 – Ace Ford Farren and the Artificial Art Ensemble – quizzical and mystical, this irreverent master of the wind and whistle is curing an hour of musical adventure for us.. .come with! Andy Seven – tenor saxophone, Mars Pharoah Ford – DX7, Michael Intriere – cello, Orlando Greenhill – bass, Rich West – drums & percussion, Itsuro Isokawa – flutes and harmonicas. Ace on the rest.

9:15 – Dan Clucas’ Lost Iguana Ensemble – please join Dan Clucas (cornet), Christopher Garcia (El Monstro percussion), Breana Gilcher (oboe), Nathan Hubbard (vibraphone), Kyle Motl (double bass) and Brian Walsh (bass clarinet) as they present *After Upingos*

10:30 – Danketsu 9 – like that is nine, as in nine people!!!! a mighty sound indeed. Please welcome Patrick Shirioshi, Kelly Coats, Pauline Lay, Ang Wilson, Mallory Soto, Dylan Fujioka, Noah Guevara, Jason Adams and Ken Moore. Also get excited for special video accompaniment.

11:30 – Rob Magill’s Human Resources Dance Ensemble – Weird Cry Records master impressario brings another mad creation to our humble halls.

12:30 – 4am – Psychobabes Afterhours presented by Crass Lips Records with Autosex, bite marx, Mr California and the State Police, Kinetic Attack, Squirrel Spam, and Spring Bleeding… Crass Lips Records, label home of the insanely prolific and prophetic Period Bomb and it is my honor to have them curate this fine celebration of new California music


March 9, 2019
11:30 am - 4:00 am
Event Category:


Human Resources LA
410 Cottage Home
Los Angeles, CA 90012